Change Your Appointment Note: You may modify this appointment until. To change your appointment location, cancel this appointment and create a new one. To change the date, time, number of applicants, or contact information, edit your appointment information. You’re too busy to schedule meetings. Let us take care of it for you. We'll review your calendar to see if you're eligible for the exclusive preview.

- The Scheduler tool was designed specifically to work hand-in-hand with the Electronic Turn-In Documents (ETIDs) application (learn more about ETIDs here). Turn-Ins created in ETIDS are fed to the Scheduler and can be selected from within the tool and transportation arragned to complete the turn-in.
- Scheduler - computer hardware that arranges jobs to be done by the computer in an appropriate order computer hardware, hardware - (computer science) the mechanical, magnetic, electronic, and electrical components making up a computer system Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.
Scheduler Definition
Oklahoma residency is no longer required. Vaccine appointments are now available to anyone aged 16 and older, living in any state.
Scheduler Jobs
Welcome to the Oklahoma State Department of Health (OSDH) COVID-19 vaccine registration portal. Here’s how to register:

- Fill out a short questionnaire.
- If you’re eligible in the current vaccine phase, you’ll be able to schedule your vaccine, pending supply and appointment availability.
- If you’re not eligible, you’ll receive an email when your phase is ready for vaccinations.
Visit the link below to watch a walkthrough video on how to register and book your appointment on the Vaccine Scheduler Portal:
Where we are now
Anyone living in Oklahoma or any other state, aged 16 and older, is now eligible for vaccine appointments. Phases 1-4 of the vaccine distribution plan are now open. Pfizer is the only vaccine currently approved for minors aged 16 or 17 years.
Please complete the required questionnaire so that we can gather information regarding your readiness for COVID-19 vaccination, and offer guidance and instruction to ensure your safety. You will need to provide the following details:
Demographic details
Such as race, ethnicity, gender, age
Medical history
Current/past ailments and allergy information
COVID-19 history
History of any COVID-19 infections, testing or vaccinations
Scheduler Cornell
Contact information
Scheduler Coordinator Resume
Your contact details
Questions regarding the Vaccine Scheduler Portal or our Vaccine Distribution Plan? Call 2-1-1 or visit our frequently asked questions page.
Vaccine FAQsScheduler Ucdmc

Please be advised - The OSDH will never ask you for your bank account number, password, or other financial information. If you are asked for such information please immediately report your experience to: