UniGLTF is currently separated from UniVRM-0.63.2 for stand-alone use.
- Skybox/Cubemap 内側にしか法線のない球を使う Sphere+UniGLTF 左右逆問題 解決 球の種類 外側から完全に見えないシェーダー 最後に Skybox/Cubemap ここでやったCubemapシェーダーをSphereに適用したやつを2つ使うときの話。 bibinbaleo.hatenablog.com このSphereを二つ置くと、描画順の関係で奥にあるものも前面に.
- Import Custom Package UniGLTF-1.27.unitypackage; Import.glb using the New import option. Additional Info if Needed. Using Blender 2.8 Evee Rendering Engine (portable.exe) No Addons yet. Unity 2017.4.2f2 (Wish to avoid upgrading unless it is the only way.) Exporting as '.gltf Embedded' did not work either.
I decided to integrate this library with UniVRM for maintenance reason (submodule burdensome). Continue updating within UniVRM
UniVRM-xxx.unitypackage contains UniGLTF.
UniGLTF is currently separated from UniVRM-0.63.2 for stand-alone use.
glTF 2.0 importer and exporter for Unity 5.6 or later
Improved material importer(UniGLTF-1.21) !
Below is imported from DamagedHelmet. Using unity standard shader.
Import Gltf To Unity
Huge model required Unity2017.3 or later
- Mesh.IndexFormat(from 2017.3) is required
example. SciFiHelmet(70074vertices)
Import Glb To Unity
Import as prefab
- drop gltf folder or glb file into Assets folder
- editor mode
- menu [UniGLTF] - [Import]
- open gltf file(gltf, glb, zip) from out of Asset Folder