
The SGP4 & SDP4 produce output in the True Equator Mean Equinox of TLE Epoch. Now since the nutation is (from what I understand) quite small compared to SGP4/SDP4 accuracy, I don't care for the difference between 'mean' and 'true' but I will probably have to convert the coordinates (taking only precession into account) from TLE Epoch to J2000. Expect a satellite’s orbit to constantly change as the SGP4 propagation routine models effects like atmospheric drag and the Moon’s gravity. In particular, the true anomaly parameter can swing wildly for satellites with nearly circular orbits, because the reference point from which true anomaly is measured — the satellite’s perigee. Sequence Generator Pro (SGP) is releasing an upgrade to its software platform with its introduction of SGP4 automation software for astrophotography. With SGP you can sequence and coordinate all of your gear in order to make the most of your time under dark skies.

Information WXtrack em Português.

What the reviewers and users have said:

  • '.. a lovely piece of software' - Dave Garton, Satellite Applications Catapult, UK
  • 'WXtrack is free, and is one of the best trackingprograms that I have come across' - Radio Active April 2001
  • '...a satellite tracking program with a superbly craftedtracking window...' - Remote Imaging Group Journal 58
  • '...as up to date as any...', '...an impressive program...' - Monitoring Times, August 1999
  • '..the excellent 'WXtrack' software .... I've used WXtrack in various outreach programs to high schools and recommend it.' - Professor Bill Cowley, Director, Institute for Telecommunications Research, Satellite Comms Program Leader, CRC for Satellite Systems
  • 'It was a pleasure to find a well-crafted package' - MD Robotics -makers of the Canadarm used on the Space Shuttle and Station
  • 'I have used your program quite a bit now and I absolutely love it. It is the best tracking program I have ever used and I have used them all I am sure :)' - Mark Kyle
  • 'WXtrack is, by far, the most economical, flexible, and informative satellite tracking and display package available today. It will be prominently displayed in our Data Processing Center to show the current, historical, or future location of our 'A-Train' satellites and tracking sites. Kudos to David Taylor for an exceptional satellite application' - Don Reinke, NASA CloudSat Mission Data Processing Center. (CIRA)
  • 'I wrote Quiktrak and for years it was the mainstay of the amateur and in some cases professional tracking world. After seeing WXtrack, there is no need for me to ever revisit that offering. I am happy to register this software' - Bob McGwier, N4HY. Vice President for Engineering, AMSAT-NA
  • 'WXtrack is a great program - I believe to be the best available.' - Kevin Nice, Nice One Publishing Limited
  • The best Satellite Tracking program I've ever used and excellent support - Terry Gaff on Twitter.

WXtrack is used by many Universities and satellite enthusiastsacross the world, and is also used within the industry - NASA, Surrey SatelliteTechnology. Popular trackers such as GS-232 and WiSPDDE are supported. If youwould like a custom version for your project, just e-mailme. See WXtrack in Embarcadero' DelphiApplication Showcase!

WXtrack download
WXtrackregistration - help support continued development!
3D display version - WXtrackGLdownload
SGP4 component download

Multiple satellite tracking, with night-time shading.
(Click for more information)

WXtrack in ISS mode, simulating the NASA wall display.
(Click for more information)

This program, which I have described in more detail, is designed to predict the tracks of satellites both as paths above the earth, and as images produced by these satellites when scanning the ground. It was designed for use during the early stages of my weather satellite receiving activities, when clouds and interference prevented easy identification of what I was actually observing! Read more about using WXtrack. The core orbit prediction elements are also available as a component that you can use in your own software. This program is free for amateur use, but if you do wish to say 'thank you', or you want technical support, or you want the advanced facilities, you should register WXtrack.

WXtrack can read processed satellite images from one or more folders ofyour choice, and present these images side-by-side with the ground track prediction. Tomake visual correlation easier, minute markers are produced on the predicted image tomatch those on NOAA APT transmissions. Because of the graphics used in this program,it really requires a display of 1024 x 768 or better resolution, but it will work on 800 x 600.

Sample of the resultsusing the full 18MB ground topography database.

Trackers and Antenna Rotators

WXtrack can drive a number of popular antenna tracking systems includingcontrollers based on the WiSPDDE,Alfa SPID, AMSAT's LVB tracker, EA4TX's ARSWIN, Kansas City Tracker (RR.DLLand ON1CIM's KctTracker.exe), Las Vegas Boulevard (LVB from G6LVB), SeaTel, CX6DD (supportsYaesu GS232), EasyComm, IF-100 and FodTrack standards. There are options for earlystartup of the tracker, antenna offset, flip-mode, antenna parking at pass end,running a command at start-of-tracking etc., and the program has a quickpoint-at-object mode for setting up your antenna with the sun, moon etc.
If you have another tracker that you would like supported, why not write to me and ask?

SDR - Software Defined Radio

SDRs are supported both through the excellent HDSDRsoftware, and the equally good SDR#software with the DDE add-on.

Can I register and what do I get?

Users have asked for support on this software, and wish to say'Thank you', so I now provide extra facilities to users who do registerWXtrack. Commercial use of WXtrack requires purchase of acommercial licence. The extra facilities are designed to make the programeasier to use for regular users, and to extend the facilities available.

  • Extra facilities include
    • LARGE TEXT showing the tracker location from the other side of the room!
    • A Satellite Summary form is available by right-clicking the World Map display - includes MA display, nearest city in addition to azimuth, elevation range etc.
    • The latitude and longitude of the mouse on the World Map is given in, and the range and bearing from the home location.
    • Display extras e.g. some ISS mode features, multiple ground station footprint display. Here's a screen-shot of the registered WXtrack in full ISS display mode.
    • Input from GPS for location and time setting, GPS prediction mode.
    • Extended Radar view functionality, especially for GPS,
    • Solar outage times for geostationary satellites - what are solar outages?
    • Satellite priority setting and automatic switch to next available satellite.
    • Option of restricting passes tracked to those in the pass list.
    • Automated daily reload of Kepler data,
    • Quick access to Sat Batch and Kepler Updater through the Tools menu.
    • The Tracker Test command is considerably enhanced by adding offset control, manual positioning and RA/Dec tabs - ideal for tracker setup and testing.
    • The tracker parking option is available.
    • Improved precision for some trackers (e.g. 0.1 degrees for Alfa SPID).
    • You can select finer time steps for the pass details list.
    • HRPT channel selection is possible with the Götz Romahn/Bob Barnes CX6DD tracker variant.

More information about some ofthe extra facilities.


  • System Requirements
    • Windows: Windows-7 and 8/8.1 are supported
    • Windows XP, Vista are likely to work, but are not tested here, and are not supported.
    • Processor: Pentium 90 or better, 200MHz or better recommended
    • Memory: 32MB or better, 64MB highly recommended.
    • Display: 800 x 600 resolution or better, 15-, 16- 24- or 32-bit colour recommended.
    • WXtrack works best with Normal font size.
  • The runtime Library Bundle listed below is necessary for WXtrack to function. If you get error messages about missing DLLs whenyou try to run WXtrack, please consult the library notes page.
  • Got a question? Check out the FAQs.
  • There is a free self-help group that you can join here,where other users of the software can be contacted.
  • The Country & State boundary data is required if you wish togenerate image overlays for adding to actual pictures with SatSignal, and for certain mapprojections. If you have less than 32MB memory in your system and want to runoverlays, it may be worthwhile downloading the Pre-compiledoverlay bitmap as the program will struggle to generate the 31MB bitmap in a 24MB orless system! Copy the expanded Overlay.bmp file to the program's executable folder. If you wish to change grid-line spacing, add longitude and latitude annotation, orput the grid on top of the countries, please download MakeOverlay program listed underoptional items below.
  • If you have a problem with your PC being permanently set onDaylight Saving time, which happens with certain versions of Windows98, try the Time Zone Editor from the Microsoft Windows 2000 Resource Kit. This program, TZEdit, enables you to define your Time Zone details. More information.
  • If you are driving a tracker in real-time, for more accurate tracking be sure your PC is keeping accurate time.


  • Download WXtrack V3.8.46 (2020-Mar-20; 1,484,935 bytes)
  • MD5 checksum: 843941345FC44EE881B6CEACA152FB52
  • Unsupported Help in Web and RTF formats.

Beta version: This program is under continualdevelopment - check herefor the latest update.

If you have customised any of the standard files, be careful not to overwrite your customised files with ones from the Zip archive! Take the WXtrack.exe, the WXtrack.chm and the WXtrack.txt first.

Please note that while the Kepler orbit data supplied with the download was current at the time the download was prepared, it will be out-of-date by the time you start to use the program, and you may therefore get a warning about 'WXtrack could find no satellite data'. If that happens, just run the Options, Kepler update... menu function. You are responsible for ensuring that the program has up-to-date information if you want the most accurate results. Registered users of the program can achieve this automatically with the Kepler Updater software, for which their WXtrack licence is also valid.

V3.8.40Handle background being deleted behind our back more elegantly, include 'or out-of-date' in 'No Keplers' message, reduce minimum pass time from 30 to 5 seconds, save tracker precision setting in unregistered version, add SpectraVue support (testing, enable SpectraVue in Tracker, Options, attempts to set RX mode and centre frequency including Doppler shift based on requested nominal frequency when tracking, option to get nominal frequency from Radio.ini), add separate continuous DDE tracking (satellite name without spaces, just as the original DDE), add items to 'ContinuousTracking2' DDE item under test. Help updated about Radio.ini.
V3.8.42Display correct date for solar outage.
V3.8.44 Add Mercator projection, eight satellite banks up from four, show Kepler data on a larger form, refine stale Kepler limits ('ignore' default 12 months, polar 'stale' 30 days, geostationary stale 65 days), updated TLEnotes.txt (added sample file frequencies-va3dbj.ini, thanks to Dave Bate).
V3.8.46Add pass-box for Sentinel 3A in ScanOffsets.ini (treat as being in the 'weather satellite' class), in View|Radar plot add Galileo satellites, add count of navigation satellites visible (you will need the Keplers from e.g. CelesTrak - galileo.txt), enlarge View|Radar plot display, provide hints for long satellite names in the Available list, use 10 GHz as default for geostationary Doppler, restore SPID half-degree support, in Tracker Test form add slower updates for geostationary satellites and add 0.5 degree offset tweaks, enhancements in Kepler update form. Temporarily: display DDE RX mode in the tracker status box (for debugging).
2020.01.28Kepler updates only.
2020.03.20Removed nasabare.tle as it was confusing some folk.

Please be careful not to overwrite your current Kepler data, or other local customised data, with out-of-date info!

Please note that Windows-XP and Vista support has been dropped in versions after V3.8.26, and although the software should continue to work, it is no longer guaranteed or supported on older versions of Windows. In Windows-7 and later it is recommended to install WXtrack into C:ToolsSatSignalWXtrack. If installed into C:Program Files some functions will not work.

  • some functions will not work.RegisterWXtrack and help support continued development
  • Runtime Library Bundle (if you don't already have it)
  • Got a question - check out the FAQs!
  • Optional items
    • World maps for backgrounds
  • Country & State boundary data (471,178 bytes bytes; 2009 Jun 13, contains the file: countries.dat)
  • Pre-compiled overlay bitmap (421,899 bytes; 2000 May 07)
  • ETOPO5 data can be found on the National Geophysical Data Center site. Right-click this link, and save as etopo5.dat. The file is not zipped, and is quite big at 18MB, and the site speed seems limited - allow a good five minutes!
  • NORAD two-line element sets (Keplers) from www.celestrak.com
  • Kepler Updater program for automated Kepler updates.
  • For SARAL Kepler elements, download resource.txt from the CelesTrak Web site. Right-click on the link and use Save Link as (or similar) to save the file in your WXtrack or Kepler directory.
  • SDR# add-on - control radio frequency on SDRSharp from WXtrack.
  • Want to run WXtrack from a Flash drive? by Peter Pauly explains all about Creating a Portable WXtrack.
  • Satellite frequency and launch date TLEnotes.txt zip file updates from David Bate, and his frequencies.ini file.
  • Frequencies.ini file with 584 satellites from alternative data with 584 satellite frequencies, update 05/01/2014, from: uhf-satcom.com - Twitter @UHF_Satcom, rename to frequencies.ini before use. The source which may be more up-to-date is here.
  • WXReceiver program by George Ioannu - a utility to automatically record the APT signal of passing weather satellites with RS232 controlled receivers.
  • SatTune program by Tim Seed to control a PCR-1000 radio
  • Peter de Groot's (ON1CIM) KCT server software module (contact Peter directly)
  • UserPort - required for a parallel-port tracker under Windows NT/2000/XP
  • MakeOverlay program - see Mapping Tools page
  • Want to ask a question - ask the WXtrack self-help group!

Using WXtrack with ARSVCOM, ARS-USB interfacing explained

The ARSVCOM emulates several interfaces as Yaesu GS232A or Prosistel 'D'. So, you don't need to modify anything in WXtrack, because I suppose you already support the GS232A or PST 'D'.
Just some simple notes about the new ARS-USB Product:
The ARS-USB Product includes the ARS-USB Interface and a program called: ARSVCOM. Once the ARS-USB Interface is connected into a USB Port (Windows, Linux or MAC OS X) a serial/COM port is added to the computer (Example: COM5). Without any additional program, any program can use this COM port and send/receive commands from the unit. The ARS-USB emulates a Yaesu GS232A interface, so it's mandatory that the program send the same commands as a Yaesu GS232A.
If a customer wants to use the ARSVCOM (a graphical and friendly user interface) then he must do as follows:
1 - First, the ARSVCOM can create an additional Virtual COM Port (Example: COM7) and via this virtual COM Port, can emulate several interfaces (GS232, PST 'D', etc).
2 - Then, he must configure the ARS-USB Port assigned by Windows (example: COM5) so the program can control the interface.
3 - Finally, configure a 3rd party program (Example: WXtrack) to use the Virtual COM Port (COM7).
Basically, WXtrack will send GS232A commands to the ARSVCOM and those commands will be processed and routed to the USB Port.

(Information kindly supplied by Paolo).

... em Português ... Explicação para o uso do WXtrack com interface USB ARS ARSVCOM

O ARSVCOM emula várias interfaces como Yaesu GS232A ou Prosistel 'D'. Assim sendo, não precisa de modificar nada no WXtrack , porque eu suponho que você já suportam o GS232A ou PST 'D'.

Apenas algumas notas simples sobre o novo ARS- USB do produto:

O Produto ARS- USB inclui a interface ARS- USB e um programa chamado:ARSVCOM. Uma vez que a interface ARS - USB é conectada a uma porta USB (Windows, Linux ou Mac OS X) ou a uma porta serial/COM adicionada ao computador, (exemplo: COM5). Sem nenhum programa específico, qualquer programa pode utilizar esta porta COM e enviar/receber comandos daunidade. A ARS - USB emula uma interface Yaesu GS232A e por isso é obrigatório que o programa envie os mesmos comandos para o Rotor Computer Interface Yaesu GS232A.

Se um operador quer usar o ARSVCOM (uma interface gráfica e amigável), então ele deve fazer oseguinte:

1 - Em primeiro lugar, o ARSVCOM pode criar uma Porta COM virtual adicional (Exemplo: COM7) e através desta Porta COM virtual, pode emular várias interfaces (GS232, PST ' D ', etc).
2 - Em seguida, ele deve configurar a Porta ARS - USB atribuída pelo Windows (exemplo: COM5) para que o programa possa controlar a interface.
3 - Por fim, configure a 3ª parte do programa de (exemplo: WXtrack) para usar a porta COM virtual (COM7).

Basicamente, o WXtrack vai enviar comandos do GS232A ao ARSVCOM sendo os comandos processados e encaminhados para a porta USB.
(Informação gentilmente cedida por Paolo).

Translation by: Eduardo Mata, thanks!

Download Icons for ISS and STS

You can download these icons, which have been contributed byWXtrack users, to show the International Space Station and Space Shuttle (ISS and STS) on your WXtrack display. Note that the STS, Progress and Soyuz icons will need to be renamed with the NORAD catalogue number for each new launch. Copy the contents ofthe zip file to your WXtrack directory. My thanks to those who have madetheir work available to the WXtrack community. These icons may notbe used with software other than WXtrack without the specific permission of theicon author. Here's a screen-shot ofthe registered WXtrack in full ISSdisplay mode.

David Davidson STS & ISS icons

Screen-shot of ISS and STS icons in use.
The docked icon is in the docked
directory in the Zip archive.

(two separate icons)

(ISS icon with docked Shuttle)
Jörg Fiegge Tiangong 1, Shuttle, Progress & Soyuz icons

Remember to rename the icons with the NORAD catalogue number before use (37820 = Tiangong 1). Jörg lives near the home of the first German cosmonaut.

Michel Casabonne STS, TDRSS, ISS, and Sun icons

The orange Sun icon requires an icon editor to replace the MAINICON in WXtrack.exe

Screen-shot with some of these icons in use.

(new versions)

Neville Roberts Meteor-M N2 weather satellite icons, choice of five sizes


Neville Roberts NOAA weather satellite icons




Includes renovated ISS (and without the STS), Progress, Soyuz, ATV and reversed shuttle, Hubble, and X38-B. Not all shown here.






George has provided updates to his icons in June 2012.
George Papadopoulos updated icons Dec-2015 update - including ATV, Cygnus (updated), Dragon, HTV, ISS, Tiangong and X37B
George Papadopoulos updated ISS icon ISS Dec-2015 & Oct-2016 updates

Download World Maps

  • Good quality world map background Good quality world map background (91 kB, 2000 May 22)
  • Higher quality world map with hill shadow (134 kB, 2000 May 22)
  • Darren Mihel Super-quality world map with land type colouring & Artic regions. (1.2 MB)
  • Graham Cox monochrome world map based on the Earth Lights at Night image. You may prefer this map if you like a darker background. (210 kB)
  • Justin Priami KG4CEO super-quality world map with land type colouring & Arctic regions. (3 MB)
  • Large user map from Terry Gaff (4 MB, 2016-Jul-11)
  • Large 'monotone blue hues' user map from Terry Gaff (4 MB, 2018-Feb-21)
  • NOAA clear-sky map (423 kB)
  • Michel Casabonne world map - showing the South Atlantic Anomaly (SAA), the region where Earth's inner van Allen radiation belt makes its closest approach to the planet's surface (836 kB).
  • Natural Earth II
    • Ocean with flat blue tint - sample - 1.4 MB download
    • Ocean with blended depth tints and shading -sample - 2.3 MB download
    • Environment colours and relief (no water) - sample - 1.2 MB download
  • Tim Makins EI8IC notes:
    • You might be interested in my page which has a few interesting maps for download. Also my programme which lets people make maps like that themselves. Actually, it really is there to design/edit .cpt files, which are used in the Generic Mapping Tools programme, amongst others, but the map routine, which is there to help visualize .cpt files, does what you want.

For French speakers

  • L'information française de WXtrack est de Jean-Louis Fenasse (merci beaucoup!).
  • La traduction de l'aide en français est faite par Jean-louis Fenasse (merci beaucoup!). Pour toute correction ou suggestion complémentaire sur la traduction s'adresser à Jean-Louis

For Spanish speakers

  • Spanish language readme file for V3.3.4 (many thanks to Enrique Carmenates Gonzalez)
  • Spanish language Help file from the late Ferran Alegret's site => Descarga
  • Wave announcements in Spanish from Enrique Carmenates Gonzalez

If you like this software, you can rate it at the DXZone web site thatlists related programs. Rate this Software @ TheDXZone. Be sure to registerWXtrack and help support continued development.



A self-help group is available for this software: here


I am very grateful to the late Ferran Alegret for providing a Spanish languageversion of the help file, which may be obtained directly from his Web site, and to Jean-Louis Fenasse for theFrench language help file and information. Thanks to Roger Hedin for hisadditions of some lakes and island groups to the original Country & State boundarydata. George Ioannu provided the WXReceiver program for automatically scheduling reception. David Bate suggested the MET display, and provides data updates. The orbit prediction code was derived from Dr T S Kelso's Pascal units on his CelesTrak web site. Many thanks to Dr Kelso whovery kindly gave permission for his code to be used. A component that can access theSGP4 model based on Dr T S Kelso's code is available from this page. Without Dr T S Kelso's code, WXtrack would not have been possible.

Click for more information

Imagine that you are flying in space, looking down upon the Earth. All your favourite satellites are visible, and you can fly around to your heart's desires. Oh, and it will cost you nothing! Yes, that's WXtrackGL.
You can choose when and where, and which satellites are displayed. You can set whether you manually control the program, or get an automated ride on the satellite!
V2.1.0Updates the program to allow it to act as aviewer for any data presented on a world-map projection and generalises the timesteps. Make solar illumination optional, add higher-speed modes, add solar & lunar viewpoints,allow background image choice, add persistence of selected settings.
V2.1.2Improved error messages, give folder name if no Keplers found, suggest user downloads WXtrack.
V2.2.0Add support OpenGL 2.x systems.
  • 3D display program WXtrackGL V2.2.0.57, 662709 bytes,revised 2006 Jan 05

NOAA-16 coverage from New York

Imagine if you could superimpose all the passes for a givensatellite for a week or a month ahead. You would end up with a plotshowing the coverage from your location. This simple program allows you todo just that, and provides a text file of the results for any further processingyou wish to make. Experimental, unsupported program. Requires the SGP-4component V3.2.0 listed below.

The screen shot to the left shows the coverage to be expected from an HRPT station located in New York. Note the differences between north-bound and south-bound coverage shown as red and blue lines.

V1.0.6Add gnomonic projection.
V1.1.0Build with Delphi 2009
  • DownloadSatCover V1.1.0 (350,396 bytes; 2009 Jun 30)

Do you want to use the same prediction code as in WXtrack? Perhapsyou want to call it from Visual Basic, Visual C++, Visual C#, Java, a Web page, or even a batch file. This component is for you! I have made available the core SGP4 modelsatellite prediction routines used in WXtrack as an Active-X DLL component. This allows you tocall satellite prediction routines from any program, Web pages using ASP, or even from thecommand line by using the Windows Scripting Host. Working samples are providedshowing how to obtain a list of passes with Microsoft Visual Basic, Visual C#, Visual C++, Borland'sDelphi, usingthe Windows Scripting Host and using Active Server Pages.

As inWXtrack, the core code is from Dr T S Kelso's Pascal implementation of the highly accurateSGP4/SDP4 orbital model. Many thanks to Dr T S Kelso for making this code available.

Sgp4 Tle

V3.2.0Add access tosatellite state.
2002 Apr 05 Updated Les Hamilton's VB5 demo.
2003Jan 15 documentation update.
V3.4.0Add Period function and access to Kepler data,add MeanAnomaly to Kepler data, add MakePassDetails function.
2005 Feb 26- updated Les Hamilton's VB5 demo.
2005 May 31 - added Nadir's C# demo.
2005 Jul 18 - updated Les Hamilton's VB5 demo to demonstrate the MakePassDetailsfunction.
V3.5.02005 Jun 16 - fix memory leak with duplicate satellite names.
2005 Jul 17 - increase error-checking in MakePassDetails (where a direction other than N, n, S, s is specified, where the satellite name is mis-spelt).
2005 Jul 17 Les Hamilton updated the VB5 demo (V6.0 update to make use of the function 'MakePassDetails').
V3.6.02006-Sep-02 - add function MakePassDetails2 which includes the range rate.
2006-Sep-13 - add Java class and demo project from Henk Marais.
2007-Jan-15 - update Les Hamilton's VB5 demo.
2009-Jun-07 - restore C# demo.
2011-Mar-17 - add note about needing Administrator mode for REGSVR32 with Windows-7.
2020-Apr-29 - Add VB.Net demo from (name lost).
2020-May-05 - Added note to C# demo how to return values in degrees rather than radians - thanks: Gerhard Schweizer.
  • DownloadSGP4 component V3.6.0 (1,695,870 bytes; 2020-May-03)

This is exactly the same core code as used in WXtrack, but is providedwithout support. Scott Hather is using a version of this DLL in the current version of hisSatScape software.

Note for Windows-7 users

If you are running Windows-7, you must be in Administratormode to register the DLL with Windows. You can get an Administrator modecommand prompt as follows:

  • Start menu, All programs, Accessories, Command prompt
  • Right-click, Run as Administrator


Then navigate to the directory containing DJTSatLib.dll andenter the command:

Sgp4 C++

If you get an 0x80004005 error message, you were not inAdministrator mode.

If you have an R2FX, R2ZX, R139 or RX2 receiver, you may have wanted to control it fromyour computer so that important passes were collected, and not ruined by othersatellites capturing the receiver. My PassControl program allows thisscheduling, and being RS232-based, it works under Windows XP, 2000, NT etc. aswell as Windows 98 and ME.

This program has been fully updated for the new GEOPIC 1.0 and for Kepler data for NOAA-18 & NOAA-19.

Hardware requirements: an R2FX,R2ZX, R139 or RX2Receiver modified for serialremote control.

Sgp4 python
V3.1.0Support GEO's R2FX (standard) and R2ZX (pager-proof) receivers - from the GEO Shop.
V3.2.2Support NOAA-19.
V3.2.4Update for proposed NOAA-18/NOAA-19 frequency swap.
V3.3.2Update for NOAA-15/NOAA-17 frequency swap.
  • DownloadPassControl V3.3.2 (832,886 bytes, 2010 Nov 27)

Please note: If you are upgrading PassControl under Windows 2000, the first time you run the program you may get an error dialog box, possiblywith the message 'Catastropic error'. This error will go away once a valid location for the Kepler data is entered. Note that Windows 2000 is not asupported version.

Mapping Tools


Now have their own page - please click this link.