Since Lightroom (Lr) 6.14 doesn’t work very well with my.arw files, I’ve been using Affinity Photo (AP) to combine my HDRs and panoramas. I’ve learned a few things. I took nine images made last October to play with. None of this is worth keeping, but it’s good to play with. 1) You can just put all of the images into one panorama. Stitch multiple photos together to create stunning panoramic images. Affinity Photo for iPad tutorials Watch our collection of short video tutorials to help you get started with Affinity Photo for iPad. Magnifying glass icon to highlight a search field. Two programs popular as Adobe alternatives, ON1 PhotoRAW (above) and the aforementioned Affinity Photo (below), also have very capable panorama stitching functions. However, in testing both programs with the demanding Bow Lake multi-tier panorama I used below with other programs, ON1 2019.5 did an acceptable job, while Affinity 1.7 failed.
Affinity Photo Panorama 360

Affinity Photo Hdr Panorama

Affinity Photo Reviews
- Introduction
- User interface
- Get started
- Develop Persona (Raw)
- Sizing, cropping and warping
- Layers
- Layer operations
- Selections
- Creating pixel selections
- Retouching
- Adjustments
- Filters and effects
- Placing external content
- Panorama Persona
- Stacking
- Astrophotography Stack Persona
- Focus merging
- Live projection
- Macros & batch jobs
- Liquify Persona
- Painting and erasing
- Layer effects (FX)
- Color
- Vector-specific
- Lines and shapes
- Text
- Text styles
- Sharing
- Export Persona
- Design aids
- Workspace
- Customize
- Tools
- Photo editing tools
- Vector line tools
- Selection tools
- Fill tools
- Paint tools
- Erase tools
- Retouch tools
- Vector shape tools
- Text tools
- Warp tools
- Liquify tools (Liquify Persona)
- Raw tools (Develop Persona)
- Export tools (Export Persona)
- Panels
- Appendix
- Extras
- Performance
- Third-party support