Ghostscript, GhostPCL, GhostXPS, and GhostPDL Downloads. This page will help direct you to downloads and information about the open source and commercially licensed releases for: Ghostscript, GhostPCL, GhostXPS, and GhostPDL. Click the option to download and install for a 64-bit operating system. After the download is finished, run the downloaded file to begin the setup. Click Setup and then click Install to extract the Ghostscript files to your computer. Close the folder window that opens at the end of installation. Install the Ghostscript Printer 1.

  1. Scribus Ghostscript Download
  2. Scribus Download For Windows 10

Where is the regular GPL (GNU Public License) version of ghostscript and why is there a separate repository here on sourceforge that is 5 versions out of date compared with the Artifex site?

This is a guide to installing and setting up Scribus, a desktop publishing program like InDesign, Quark XPress, or PageMaker. Scribus is preferred to those programs because it has no restrictions and it is free, open source software. Scribus is released under the GNU General Public License as free, open source software. It can be installed on Linux and Windows systems, as well as OS X.

Scribus will be set up to produce press-ready publications including newspapers, magazines, newsletters, print advertizing, brochures, calendars, and so on.

Scribus features include CMYK color support, separations, ICC color management and versatile PDF creation. For full capabilities, Ghostscript must be installed. Ghostscript is an open source interpreter of the postscript language and is used for PDFs in Scribus.

This setup is what best fits my needs for a publishing platform, and it will not necessarily meet your own needs.

The version of Scribus used for this installation is 1.4.3.

Installation on Linux

Before installing Scribus, first make sure that Ghostscript is installed. Open a terminal window and enter:

sudo apt-get install ghostscript

On most versions of Ubuntu and Linux Mint, an older version of Scribus is available in the default packages. You want to get the latest version.

Scribus ghostscript download for computer

Luckily, Scribus provides packages for all the major Linux distributions. See the Scribus wiki’s Installing and Running Scribus


Alternatively, to get the latest development version of Scribus use the PPA for Scribus at Ubunut, . Beware that if you use this version of Scribus, your files will not be compatible with older version of Scribus and they can’t be shared with users of any other version of Scribus.

The instructions for installing the latest package from Scribus are taken from This will install the latest stable version from Scribus on Linux Mint 13/Ubuntu 12.04:

Followed by

Installation on Windows


First install Ghostscript. Get the latest Ghostscript Postscript and PDF interpreter/renderer here: Get the one with the GNU AGPL license and for your version of Windows, 32-bit or 64-bit. After downloading, start the installer and use the default settings.

After installing Ghostscript, download and install Scribus. Get the latest stable version for your version of Windows, 32-bit or 64-bit, from After downloading, start the installer and use the default settings. The Extra Fonts option adds 35 basic PostScript fonts from URW — Bookman, Century Schoolbook, Chancery, Dingbats, Gothic (Avant Garde), Nimbus Mono (Courier), Nimbus Roman (Times), Nimbus Sans (Helvetica), Palladio (Palatino) and standard symbols — as well as the Bitstream Vera font family, which is widely used on Linux.

After installation

After installing Scribus (Linux or Windows), start the program. The first start of Scribus takes much longer than subsequent starts of the program. That’s because the first time Scribus starts it builds a font cache.

First check that Scribus is properly configured to use Ghostscript. Most often, the installer has done this already. On some Windows systems, there can be an error. In Scribus open Preferences under the File menu. In Preferences scroll down to External Tools. Under PostScript Interpreter look at the “Name of of Executable.” In Windows, it should be gswin32c.exe or gswin64c,exe, not gswin32.exe or gswin64,exe.

Install additional ICC profiles

Adobe has released a group of CMYK press icm profiles. These would be best to use if you are sending PDFs to a commercial printer. These profiles include US, European and Japanese press defaults.

  • On Linux/Unix put the .icc or .icm files in /usr/share/color/icc.
  • On Windows Vista or 7, go to the Windows Control panel > Color management > All Profiles > Add

Here’s some suggested settings for Preferences in Scribus:


Set the language. There are several possible languages, including 4 different versions of English. Pick the one closest to what you use. The language setting is used for the menu items and messages. It is also the default dictionary used for hyphenation.


The default installation sets the default document to the European A4 size. Change this if you use something else. For example, in the U.S. you might set this to Letter.

Scribus Ghostscript Download

Units might be set to picas for print production or to millimeters or inches. The default of points is good for web production.

Hyphenation and Spelling

Enable “Hyphenate Text Automatically During Typing.” For newspaper work, make consecutive hyphens allowed 5.

Color Management

Check the box to Activate Color Management.

Scribus ghostscript download

For RGB Images, RGB Solid Colors and Monitor use “Adobe RGB (1998)”

For CMYK Images, CMYK Solid Colors and Printer, use the color profile preferred by your commercial printer. For example, it could be “U.S. Web Uncoated v2).”

Scribus Download For Windows 10

PDF Export

File options compatibility. PDF 1.5 is best for shared documents and documents with forms, signatures, comments or embedded sounds and movies. If a color management has been enabled, the PDF/X 3 option is available. This is for print production. With PDF/X 3 in CMYK documents, individual graphics may be RGB with calibration information. For using PDF/X 3, see

Check that Compress Text and Vector Graphics is enabled and that the Compression Method is set to Automatic. Compression quality should be set to Maximum.