
Quantum Numbers: H to Ne

There are four quantum numbers: n, ℓ, m, and ms. Each one is a particular factor in an equation describing a property of the electron. At this introductory level, the equations are not needed. The value of each quantum number is assigned to each electron in an atom by a 'building up' process. Niels Bohr called this process the 'Aufbau' principle: aufbau means 'building up.'

n is ALWAYS the starting point for building up a series of quantum numbers. Each quantum number is then assigned according to a set of rules, each of which took years of study to finally determine. The rules ARE NOT just any old arbitrary ones; they have been determined from a study of nature. Remember the rules:

(1) n = 1, 2, 3, and so on.
(2) ℓ = 0, 1, 2, . . . , n - 1
(3) m starts at negative ℓ, runs by whole numbers to zero and then goes to positive ℓ.
(4) after the n, ℓ and m to be used have been determined, assign the ms value +½ to one electron, then assign the ms value of -½ to the next electron, while using the same n, ℓ and m values.

Name: Neon Symbol: Ne Atomic Number: 10 Atomic Mass: 20.1797 amu Melting Point:-248.6 °C (24.549994 K, -415.48 °F) Boiling Point:-246.1 °C (27.049994 K, -410.98 °F) Number of Protons/Electrons: 10 Number of Neutrons: 10 Classification: Noble Gas Crystal Structure: Cubic Density @ 293 K: 0.901 g/cm 3 Color: colorless Atomic Structure. Original question: How many protons, neutrons and electrons does Neon have? That’s a picture of the periodic table. It contains all the known elements. So if you ever want a similar question answered about a different element, you could use this s. The seven elements—helium, neon, argon, krypton, xenon, radon, and oganesson—of Group 18 of the periodic table. All of the noble gases are present in Earth’s atmosphere and are colorless, odorless, tasteless, and nonflammable. Learn more about noble gases with this article.

Neon electrons and protons and neutrons

Also, keep in mind that we use only one n, ℓ, m, and ms value each to make a set of four quantum numbers for each electron. It is this set of four quantum numbers that uniquely identifies each electron.

The electronegativity of Neon is: χ = — In general, an atom’s electronegativity is affected by both its atomic number and the distance at which its valence electrons reside from the charged nucleus. The higher the associated electronegativity number, the more an element or compound attracts electrons towards it.

Last point: the last column in each table below is called 'Orbital Name.' As you are reading this tutorial, you may not yet know what an orbital is. That's OK, but please understand the concept called 'orbital' is an important one. Here's a real simple description that ignores lots of details: each orbital is a region of space around the nucleus which contains a MAXIMUM of two electrons. Realize that it's more complex than that, but the above description is good enough for now. I hope!!

Hydrogen - one electron

First Electron

n = 1
ℓ = 0
m = 0

In each case, note that we start with the smallest value of n, ℓ, or m possible. Make sure you look over the rules to see how each value was arrived at. ℓ starts at zero and goes to n - 1, which is zero since we get 1 - 1 = 0, when using n = 1. When ℓ = 0, there is only one possible choice for m, which must be zero.

ms = +½

This completes the four quantum numbers for the single electron possessed by hydrogen. I shall build up a table like this:


Helium - two electrons

First Electron

n = 1
ℓ = 0
m = 0
ms = +½

The first electron in helium has exactly the same four quantum number of the first electron in hydrogen. However, helium has TWO electrons. So we 'build up' from the previous electrons by adding one more.

Second Electron

n = 1
ℓ = 0
m = 0
ms = -½

Notice the same n, ℓ, and m values, but ms has shifted from positive ½ to negative ½. This was the problem Pauli saw in 1925. Three quantum numbers was insufficient to UNIQUELY identify each electron, but a fourth one (the one called ms) did the trick.


Lithium - three electrons

The first two electrons quantum numbers' are EXACTLY the same as the two in helium:

1, 0, 0, +½ and 1, 0, 0, -½

Third Electron: here's where we 'build up' by adding one more electron.

However, we are now presented with a problem. All the values with n = 1 have been used up, but we have only accounted for two of lithium's three electrons. What to do about the third?

Answer: start with the NEXT n value; n = 2. However, there is a problem with ℓ; do we use ℓ = 0 or ℓ = 1, since both are possible with n = 2?


Answer: start with the lowest value first, so that means using ℓ = 0. (Don't worry, we will use ℓ = 1 soon enough.)

Figuring out m should be easy; when ℓ = 0, m can only equal 0. So n, ℓ, m for the third electron is 2, 0, 0. I'll add in ms in the table below.


Beryllium - four electrons

In the building up process, we go one electron at a time. Therefore, we will use the three from lithium and add one more.

Fourth Electron

n = 2
ℓ = 0
m = 0
ms = -½

Notice the same n, ℓ, and m values as the third electron, but ms for the fourth electron has shifted from positive ½ to negative ½.


Pretty easy, eh? It stays easy, if you follow the rules. With beryllium, we have exhausted the possibilities for the n = 2; ℓ = 0 combination. However, when n = 2, ℓ can take on another value, namely ℓ = 1. This has consequences for the m value as well and, after we finish, there will be six electrons that have a combination of n = 2 and ℓ = 1.

Here's the rule for m again: start at negative ℓ, run by whole numbers to zero and then go to positive ℓ. Since ℓ = 1, we start with -1, go to zero and end up at +1. This gives us three values for m when ℓ = 1. Hopefully you can see that, since ms takes on +½ and -½, we will wind up with six sets of quantum numbers.

Warning: there's going to be a new rule introduced after boron. So prepare yourself because, just as you thought it was getting easy, there gets added some new stuff. By the way, us mean old teachers didn't make all this stuff up to torture poor chemistry students. Nature really does do what I will explain below. Here's boron:

Boron - five electrons

Following the usual pattern, I've repeated the previous four electrons. As we go on to the ℓ = 1 values, keep in mind that we will start with the lowest value of m, namely negative one.


Neon Electrons In Outer Shell

Eventually, I will wind up with three orbital names. 2px is just the first, x meaning the x-axis. Next will be 2py, for the y-axis and the last name used will be 2pz, for the z-axis. These three orbitals are oriented at 90° to each other.

Hund's Rule (named for Fredrich Hund) is the name of the new rule. This rule concerns the relationship between the ℓ and m quantum numbers. When ℓ = 0, m can only equal zero and Hund's Rule does not show up. However, now that we have reached ℓ = 1, m can take on multiple values. Hund's Rule concerns the order in which we assign the ℓ and m values.

By the way, I'm going to avoid a technical statement of Hund's Rule for the moment. I'll discuss how it works first.

Hund's Rule means that we will use each possible ℓ, m combination ONCE before going back and using it a second time. Here are the three possible ℓ, m combos when ℓ = 1:


For boron, we have used the ℓ, m combination of 1, -1. The key is to see that Hund's Rule requires we go on to the NEXT ℓ, m combination for the next element: carbon.

Carbon - six electrons

Following the usual pattern, I've repeated the previous five electrons. As we continue on with the ℓ = 1 values, keep in mind that Hund's Rule will affect how we assign the next m value.


Nitrogen - seven electrons

Since we still have not first used all possible ℓ, m values ONCE, we go on to the next ℓ, m combination.


2px, 2py and 2pz are three different orbitals, each one capable of holding two electrons. Notice how, in nitrogen, each of the three orbitals is filled up HALF-WAY (that is, with one electron) before we go back and fill up each orbital with the second electron.

This 'half-filled orbital' has definite chemical consequences. Remember it well. Also, using 2px first, then going to y and then z is purely convention. The x, y, z order is not of consequence in the above examples. However keep in mind the using each letter ONCE first being using it for the second electron is important.

Oxygen - eight electrons

Neon Electrons

Now that we have used each ℓ, m combination once, we proceed to go back and use each combo the second time. For oxygen to neon, I've marked which electron is the one added.

this one

Fluorine - nine electrons

this one

Neon - ten electrons

this one

We have now completed all possible values for n = 1 AND n = 2. Starting with element 11, sodium, we will proceed on to n = 3. When we finish, we will have used ℓ = 0, ℓ = 1 (and applied Hund's Rule again) and then, before going on to ℓ = 3, we will hit another interesting twist that nature has handed us. We will wind up going on to n = 4 and then coming back to finish n = 3. It will be fun!

Example 1 What is the Lewis electron dot diagram for each element? Since there are 10 electrons, 2 go in the first shell but the rest 8 electrons are in the second shell, therefore, these electrons are considered to be in the valence shell, and we label them. When doubling up electrons, make sure that a side has no more than two electrons.

Ionic and Metallic Bonding

We can mark these electrons and indicate what happens to them when an element reacts. Since electrons repel each other, the dots for a given atom are distributed evenly around the symbol before they are paired.

However, conventionally, we draw the dots for the two p electrons on different sides. Determine the number of valence electrons for each atom in the molecule 2. A beryllium atom, with two valence electrons, would have the electron dot diagram below. The third electron will go on another side of the symbol: Again, it does not matter on which sides of the symbol the electron dots are positioned.

Ionic and Metallic Bonding

Video: Neon Electron Configuration Notation The configuration notation provides an easy way for scientists to write and communicate how electrons are arranged around the nucleus of an atom. Diagrams contain a lot of useful information in a compact format. What does the diagram above tell us? It is therefore a Nobel Gas. So it would have three dots around the symbol for aluminum, two of them paired to represent the 3s electrons: The valence electron configuration for selenium is 4s24p4. The football play diagrammed above describes the lineup of each player on the team and describes how they will move when the ball is snapped. But in this case, we are drawing electronic dot diagrams. For carbon, there are four valence electrons, two in the 2s subshell and two in the 2p subshell.

The eight valence electrons, a full outer s and p sublevel, give the noble gases their special stability. Because the second energy level 2s22p6 has eight electrons Neon has an octet and has a full outer shell. Its valence electron shell is 2s22p1, so it has three valence electrons. For example, the electron dot diagram for iron valence shell configuration 4s23d6 is as follows: Elements in the same column of the periodic table have similar Lewis electron dot diagrams because they have the same valence shell electron configuration. Electron dot diagrams for ions are the same as for atoms, except that some electrons have been removed for cations, while some electrons have been added for anions. It does not matter what order the positions are used. For neon, we must determine a number of valence electrions b place dots around the element to represent the valence electrons.

This makes it easier to understand and predict how atoms will interact to form chemical bonds. The number of valence electrons can be easily determined from the electron configuration. A blog dedicated for the love and learning of Chemistry. The next atom, lithium, has an electron configuration of 1s22s1, so it has only one electron in its valence shell. Electron Configuration Notation: -shows the arrangment of electrons around the nucleus of an atom.

Diagrams of electrons give similar information about where certain electrons are. All rights reserved. How do we show electrons in atoms? These dots are arranged to the right and left and above and below the symbol, with no more than two dots on a side. Thus the electron dot diagrams for the first column of elements are as follows: Monatomic ions are atoms that have either lost for cations or gained for anions electrons. Read my article in Science Education based on my dissertation. The remaining six electrons will go in the 2p orbital. This periodic table can also help you when drawing Electronic Dot Diagrams. How to Write the Electron Configuration for Neon Neon is the tenth element with a total of 10 electrons.

Several examples from the second period elements are shown in the Table below. Its electron dot diagram resembles that of hydrogen, except the symbol for lithium is used: Beryllium has two valence electrons in its 2s shell, so its electron dot diagram is like that of helium: The next atom is boron. In writing the electron configuration for neon the first two electrons will go in the 1s orbital. As one proceeds left to right across a period, the number of valence electrons increases by one. When examining chemical bonding, it is necessary to keep track of the valence electrons of each atom. Draw electron dot diagrams for elements. Therefore the Ne electron configuration will be 1s22s22p6.

Compound: We have just learned how to draw a Lewis dot diagram for a single element and a compound. As such, the electron dot diagram for carbon is as follows: With N, which has three p electrons, we put a single dot on each of the three remaining sides: For oxygen, which has four p electrons, we now have to start doubling up on the dots on one other side of the symbol. In the p block, the number of valence electrons is equal to the group number minus ten. As usual, we will draw two dots together on one side, to represent the 2s electrons. The number of dots equals the number of valence electrons in the atom. By going through the periodic table, we see that the Lewis electron dot diagrams of atoms will never have more than eight dots around the atomic symbol.

Lewis Diagrams for compounds and Ions: -In covalent compounds electrons are shared 1.

How to Write the Electron Configuration for Neon

Neon Symbol Element

Electron Dot Diagrams Recall that the valence electrons of an atom are the electrons located in the highest occupied principal energy level. For example, the Lewis electron dot diagram for hydrogen is simply Because the side is not important, the Lewis electron dot diagram could also be drawn as follows: The electron dot diagram for helium, with two valence electrons, is as follows: By putting the two electrons together on the same side, we emphasize the fact that these two electrons are both in the 1s subshell; this is the common convention we will adopt, although there will be exceptions later. In almost all cases, chemical bonds are formed by interactions of valence electrons in atoms.

Neon Electron Level Arrangement

To facilitate our understanding of how valence electrons interact, a simple way of representing those valence electrons would be useful. In making cations, electrons are first lost from the highest numbered shell, not necessarily the last subshell filled. Thus we have Anions have extra electrons when compared to the original atom. Since 1s can only hold two electrons the next 2 electrons for Ne go in the 2s orbital. Place atoms so that valence electrons are shared to fill each orbital.

Neon Electrons In Outer Shell

In the s block, Group 1 elements have one valence electron, while Group 2 elements have two valence electrons. Post by Ren Flores. A Lewis electron dot diagram A representation of the valence electrons of an atom that uses dots around the symbol of the element. Group 13 has three valence electrons, Group 14 has four, up through Group 18 with eight. Its electron dot diagram is as follows: Test Yourself What is the Lewis electron dot diagram for each element? Describe the electron dot diagram system of representing structure. Valence electrons are primarily responsible for the chemical properties of elements.